Sunday, November 27, 2011

Everyone loves a parade

Fortunately, we had been up for awhile already when the band started to play at 6:30am.  The band members and all the other participants were garbed in archaic military costume.  Maybe November 27th is an important date in the Mexican Revolution?  I found a website with this summary:

Nov.27 > Orozco defeats the Federals at Pedernales - Villa is repelled in a reckless attack on Ciudad Chihuahua (the Battle of Tecolote), narrowly escaping disaster 

At least 20 men on horseback were taking part in the parade: we saw them heading toward downtown as we were leaving the city.  At least a hundred people were also walking on the highway toward Guadalupe.  I haven't been able to find any news about this on the net, but that might be because it's Sunday. 

Our Zacatecas photos were uploaded in a hurry; I'm not sure why some of them got uploaded two or three times, nor why both processed and unprocessed versions were uploaded.  So far my internet connection has been too crappy for me to delete the album and upload just one set of the decent images.

It was good to take a rest day yesterday: we both felt refreshed when we set out this morning.

The drive today was pretty uneventful, until late in the day we missed a turn and in attempting to get us on the correct highway, I navigated us along a very minor road through several rural villages.  Those villagers are serious about slowing traffic through town: they had topes (giant speed bumps) every 100m or so on the main street through the village.  That made for slow going.  Topes are also less entertaining than the mixed herd of goats, sheep, cows, horses and burro that caused the other significant delay along that side road.  The herdsman and his dog moved them past the car in under 10 minutes, so that wasn't too bad.  Unfortunately the rain and thick clouds made it too dark to take pictures of the herd moving past.

We passed the 6000km mark on the trip odometer before we stopped for the night.

Tomorrow we should make it to Oaxaca!

1 comment:

  1. and I thought DJM & Ariane covered territory quickly with two wheels each... you and Michelle are not messing around (rural roads notwithstanding!).
